Badania naukowe i kliniczne
Current research interest: 1)NCN OPUS 17 Emotion dynamics and emotion regulation in borderline personality disorder and anorexia nervosa: An experience sampling method and functional magnetic resonance (2019-ongoing). 2)NCN No 2014/15/B/HS6/01847 Assessing impact of genes polymorphism coding precursor proteins of oxytocin, dopamine, and vasopressin on psychotherapeutic efficacy of Social Cognitive and Neurocognitive Training in remediation of social cognitive functions, altruism, and neurocognition (the head of the project) (2014-2019). 2) Evaluation of taste perception and emotional functioning in patients diagnosed with AN and BPD patients (2018- ongoing). 3) Assessing efficacy of the Specialised Stress Management Program in prevention of cardiac disorders.
National Science Centre grant 2019/33/B/HS6/03009
Funding: PLN1,182,300
Principal Investigator: Katarzyna Kucharska, MD, PhD
Emotion dynamics and emotion regulation in borderline personality disorder and anorexia nervosa: An experience sampling method (ESM) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study
Various components of emotion dysregulation (such as abnormal patterns of emotion dynamics and maladaptive aspects of emotion regulation) constitute some of the most serious difficulties in borderline personality disorder (BPD) and anorexia nervosa (AN). Nevertheless, despite a growing body of research on daily-life emotion dynamics in BPD, there is still a paucity of such studies concerning AN. Interestingly, in these disorders, maladaptive emotion regulation can take the form of contrasting strategies, ranging from non-suicidal self-injury (assumed to be more specific to BPD) to emotion suppression (thought to be more specific to AN), manifesting itself as starvation or suppression of emotional expression.
However, no study has hitherto simultaneously investigated multiple maladaptive emotion regulation strategies in connection with emotion dynamics and situational context in either of the disorders. Apart from that, findings on functional neural correlates of emotion regulation in BPD and AN are rather inconsistent and the state of scientific knowledge on the disorder-specific and transdiagnostic components of emotion dysregulation in these disorders remains insufficient.
Addressing the above-mentioned gaps in knowledge, the project aims at investigating the following issues in BPD and AN:
- emotion dynamics and their regulation in specific situational context in daily life with the use of the experience sampling method (ESM);
- neural underpinnings of emotion regulation with the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI);
- relationships between data across the employed methods; and
- determining disorder-specific and transdiagnostic components of emotion dysregulation.
The ESM part of the study will be conducted with the movisensXS app.,Strefa-prywatna-25072022-2005
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